Loading view. 活動快訊 臺灣營建研究院訂於4/22(二)開辦「公共工程竣工與逾期罰款之爭議及預防實務」課程 轉知_法務部為提升律師個人資料安全保護意識,提供「個人資料安全自評檢查表」,敬請會員自我檢視 本會訂於4/26(六)上午召開第36屆第2次會員大會(敬請於4/18前線上登記) 司法院為辦理114年檢察官申請轉任法官遴選作業之需,就符合申請資格者,以適當方式公開其姓名及足資識別身分之學經歷等資料,請會員踴躍提供意見(114年3月26日前) 政大法學院與指南法學文教基金會訂於3/29(六)上午舉辦第一場「指南伴飛天使系列講座─拒當誤入叢林的小白兔:初入法律職場的必要準備」 3/13-6/13 "福蘊峰尚" 藝術展 - 呂阿福 臺南地院5/16(五)上午召開「114年度臺灣臺南地方法院法官與轄區律師座談會」,敬請有意提案者於4/16(三)前提供秘書處彙整 轉知_關於臺灣高等法院不再受理庭審後律師申請接見被告乙事 【重要通知】自114年3月1日起,向臺南地院閱卷聲請閱卷流程,修改調整 司法院編印「法官對國民法官之指示參考手冊」之更新版電子檔 There were no results found. There were no results found. 行事曆 Events 行事曆 Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Month Month This Month 2025-03-13 3 月 2025 Select date. Calendar of Events 一 週一 二 週二 三 週三 四 週四 五 週五 六 週六 日 週日 0 events, 24 0 events, 24 0 events, 25 0 events, 25 0 events, 26 0 events, 26 0 events, 27 0 events, 27 0 events, 28 0 events, 28 0 events, 1 0 events, 1 0 events, 2 0 events, 2 0 events, 3 0 events, 3 0 events, 4 0 events, 4 0 events, 5 0 events, 5 0 events, 6 0 events, 6 0 events, 7 0 events, 7 0 events, 8 0 events, 8 0 events, 9 0 events, 9 0 events, 10 0 events, 10 0 events, 11 0 events, 11 0 events, 12 0 events, 12 0 events, 13 0 events, 13 0 events, 14 0 events, 14 0 events, 15 0 events, 15 0 events, 16 0 events, 16 0 events, 17 0 events, 17 0 events, 18 0 events, 18 0 events, 19 0 events, 19 0 events, 20 0 events, 20 0 events, 21 0 events, 21 0 events, 22 0 events, 22 0 events, 23 0 events, 23 0 events, 24 0 events, 24 0 events, 25 0 events, 25 0 events, 26 0 events, 26 0 events, 27 0 events, 27 0 events, 28 0 events, 28 0 events, 29 0 events, 29 0 events, 30 0 events, 30 0 events, 31 0 events, 31 0 events, 1 0 events, 1 0 events, 2 0 events, 2 0 events, 3 0 events, 3 0 events, 4 0 events, 4 0 events, 5 0 events, 5 0 events, 6 0 events, 6 There were no results found. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. 2 月 This Month 4 月 Subscribe to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file